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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

SEMÁFORO (Stoplight)

Here it is. My first film made in the U.S at USC. Enjoy! 

"Under the three lights of a Colombian stoplight a beautiful circus act becomes a terrifying freak show"
"Bajo las tres luces de un semáforo colombiano, un acto circense se convierte en un terrible show de fenómenos"
Idea & Animation by: Simón Wilches-Castro // Music composed by: Anna Drubich
Regional Finalist Student Academy Awards 2013
Official Selection Annecy International Animated Film Festival 2013
Official Selection Adobe First Frame 2013
Official Selection Chilemonos 2013
Due to the ongoing war in the Colombian jungles, many people is forced to flee their rural territories and find refugee in capital cities. Their only mean of acquiring money is to put on shows under the city stoplights. Some dress like clowns or do acrobatics, others spit fire or juggle; and some show the only thing they have left: deformities and amputations in exchange for some sympathy and change.
This is the life of the people that live under a stoplight and the people who watch them.
Debido a la continua guerra en las selvas colombianas, mucha gente ha sido forzada a abandonar sus territorios rurales y hallar refugio en las capitales. Su único medio para obtener dinero es montar shows bajo los semáforos de la ciudad. Algunos se visten de payasos o hacen acrobacias, otros escupen fuego o hacen malabares; y otros muestran lo único que les queda: sus deformidades y amputaciones a cambio de simpatía y alguna monedas.
Esta es la vida de la gente que vive bajo el semáforo y la gente que los mira.
Painted frame by frame in Photoshop.

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