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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

BECOME A VOTING WITNESS! so says Miss Etelvina

TESTIGOS ELECTORALES from Simonwilchesc on Vimeo.

Written by Santiago Rocha, Santiago Rivas, Simón Wilches
Doña Etelvina's Voice by Santiago Rocha // Narrator's voice by Santiago Rivas
Animatión by Simón Wilches Castro

"A quick institutional made to inspire people to become a "voting witness" for the election day. It was commissioned by Colombian's Green Party.

The original inspiration came from UPA shorts and Zagreb's Bordo. And also instructional videos from the 50's.

I'm very happy with the result, but in retrospective I shouldn't have made Miss Etelvina's breasts so big because there's no room for the mouth, I had to get a bit arbitrary with it.

Eh! What you gonna do."

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